Sunday, May 25, 2008

Streetfest 2008 is over~

I can start eating normally again~

Did not take pictures for the event though... A little sad... (T.T)

The FEW pathetic pictures by me will be posted very soon~ Will get pictures from Siti~ And maybe provide some links from some really good photographers who went to the event~

Not today coz I came home late and am extremely exhausted... Plus I have got work early in the morning tomorrow...

Maybe one picture today as an apology for my rather long absence and lack of pictures for recent entries~ =)


Modified a little~ Photobucket have got some cool features and I sort of tried it out~

Thought it is a miracle to post such pictures? I will only do such things for Lolita... Haha!~

Damn the person is so fat and ugly... Tsk tsk tsk... But the dog is so cute~ A hard picture to take...

Will be back soon~

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