Saturday, June 21, 2008

Mash Game: Behold... My Future

What do you do when you are as blank as me for your future?

*Note: The results are randomly picked from a few choices! Which makes it more exciting~

**Later Note: Damn there is a bloody big space between this text and the bloody thing... *Irritated* Spent an hour trying to solve it but it only become worse... Waste of my bloody time... Cant be bothered already...

Behold... My Future

I will marry Hizumi Sama.

After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in Japan in our fabulous Apartment.

We will have 8 kid(s) together.

Our family will zoom around in a Black Gothic Style Car.

I will spend my days as a High Paid Slacker, and live happily ever after.

whats your future

LOL!! Somehow they just manage to match neatly together!! KYAAAAA~ I AM SO HAPPY!

I wrote Hizumi, Hyde & Hotohori for the first choice! (What is with all the 'H' in front?)

And so surprisingly they crossed out Hyde first! (He is married)

And they GAVE MY HIZUMI! (T.T) I am so touched!

Lets not look at the 8 kids... (-.-) Good thing I did not put in a 3 digit number... *Cough*

Although I quite want a Lolita style car too but Gothic is extremely fine with me too! As long as Hizumi likes it! And it totally suits his style! Oh is this fate? =P

And being a extremely high paid slacker!

HOHOHOHOHO~! It is so fun~

So fun that I dun wanna go back to the cruel reality..

*Locks self up in her Gothic/Lolita Dream Land*

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