Friday, August 14, 2009

Hyperventilation?! Or Something Like That...

And so being bugged by the horrible constant chest tightness & not being able to get enough air for 2 days. I finally went to see the doctor.
Well it is not often that I think I need to see the doc seriously.

Apparently it is Hyperventilation
(Or something like that with the hyper term in front)

Which is (-_-)|| caused by STRESS

In simple terms. I feel stress so my chest muscle tighten itself and constrict my breathing and so I feel like I cant get enough air. And I have been taking extremely deep breaths. Wahahahaha.

Well at least I now I know it is not because of high blood pressure, heart attack & heart problems. My heart is beating fine. It is just psychological yo.
Sounds so like me & what my body will do.

But seriously I thought this is one of fewest times in my life I thought I handled things well enough and me not as pessimistic. I guess my body just have to need to feel something on the negative side.

Although my pathetic chest is still bugging me but I can sleep better after the medicine.

I need a ULTRA BIG BREAK where I can slack and do all the stuff I want without thinking of WORK and MONEY at all. With no restrictions or whatever it is.

As for my pathetic aching back. I think pray and hope it is due to me hitting myself without knowing. Please bloody heal coz I am terrified from the past experiences and I want to take up tennis soon. I wanna do alot of things.

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